Friday, May 21, 2010

Everything happens for a reason!!!

Well you guys were right everything does happen for a reason! So you may or may not know this but I tried out for tv. production! And that is where you do the school news and stuff for those of you that don't know that... well I made it!!! That's right you read it right I made tv. production!!! I am so excited I can't wait till next year I am going to be on the news! Let's just hope that I don't get nervous and forget my line! But I am not scared really I am just excited!!!! :) :) :) love always, britt


  1. I wish i could be there so when u were on i could say: "THATS MY BEST FRIEND TALKING RITE NOW!!!!" LOL
    ♥. kinners!

  2. I am sooo proud of you babygirl!!!
