Saturday, December 18, 2010

Christmas Party!!

Tonight is the Christmas Party for the church and i am wayy excited(: my dad has a part and he has been going around the house reciting it to us so i think he will do good(: but our luck is that he will have it memorized, get on stage and forget it(: i really hope that doesn't happen thought but im pretty sure it won't(: I really like the theme for the party it is where everyone who is asked to set up a booth is to well set one up (lol) and try to make it look like it is one of the little stores you would see walking down the streets in Zerehemla (i dont know how to spell it) hahaha but we were there on Tuesday to practice and help set up and i must say people are doin wonderfullll jobs!!!! i cant wait till tonight! ......whos going?(:

1 comment:

  1. It was a great party! I am thankful we found out Aunt Jen was ok so we could relax and enjoy it. Thank you Love for ALWAYS being sooo supportive of our family. (oops! we forgot the camera AGAIN!!) Love ya Babe!
